U.S. Agency for International Development, Clean Air Catalyst, and Indore Municipal Corporation Launch New Air Quality Monitoring Stations

By Sudhir Gore, February 15, 2023


New state-of-the-art equipment to provide data on sources of local air pollution 

(INDORE, February 15, 2023) The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Clean Air Catalyst, and Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) unveiled three reference-grade air quality monitoring stations, which will provide highly accurate data on local sources of air pollution and help inform strategies to improve air quality in Indore. 

Monitoring equipment at three locations throughout the city will measure levels of fine particulate matter, tiny particles that can be inhaled and cause serious health problems, like heart attacks, stroke and asthma. Equipment at Malav Kanya School will also measure levels of black carbon, a short-lived climate pollutant that warms our planet and harms our health, as well as carbon monoxide, another hazardous pollutant.

On this occasion, Indore Mayour Pushyamitra Bhargav said, "eradicating the garbage challenge, Indore has earned the distinction of being the cleanest city in the nation for the sixth consecutive year in 2016. However, Indore experiences similar problems with traffic and air quality as the moon's blemish. With the help of the public, I am confident that as a city that leads the way in innovation, we will solve both of these issues. 

USAID Mission Director to India, Veena Reddy, said, “In India, USAID is developing local solutions with the government, communities, and the private sector to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants, for better health, prosperity, and environment. USAID hopes that improved data through these stations will support Indore’s efforts to improve air quality and also spur other cities and policymakers to take further action.”

“The data generated from this air quality monitoring equipment will help to assess the current levels of air pollution which in turn will help policymakers frame solutions to address this critical challenge. Air pollution affects everyone but particularly impacts women, children and low-income communities," said Sree Kumar Kumaraswamy, Program Director, Air Quality Action, WRI India. “‘Clean Air, Clean Indore’ can become more than a slogan if we focus on tackling the sources of Indore’s pollution and making measurable progress on improving air quality."

While giving opening remarks Hisham Mundol, Chief Advisor, India for the Environmental Defense Fund said, “Indore’s unbeaten 6-year run as Number One on the Swachh Bharat rankings did not happen by accident. It happened through political and administrative leadership, through citizen ownership and engagement, through technology interventions and ward and street level action, and through programme design and management, including monitoring and course correction. Indore’s air quality management efforts build on all these.” 

Clean Air Catalyst, Indore project lead Kaushik Hazarika proposed a vote of thanks to all parties.

Today’s ceremonial event at Malav Kanya Higher Secondary School, one of three sites hosting equipment, is the result of more than two years of collaboration between the Catalyst partnership, IMC and other local stakeholders from the health sector, civil society and industry, all working toward a common goal of building a shared awareness of air pollution sources and impacts.


About Clean Air Catalyst: 

Clean Air Catalyst (Catalyst) is a global partnership supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development, led by World Resources Institute and Environmental Defense Fund, Inc.  Launched in 2020, it is focused on building capacity for locally tailored solutions that curb air pollution, tackle climate change, and improve human health. Other Catalyst partner organizations are Columbia Climate School Clean Air Toolbox for Cities, Climate and Clean Air Coalition, Internews, MAP-AQ, Open AQ and Vital Strategies. The Catalyst has projects on the ground in Indore, India; Jakarta, Indonesia; and Nairobi, Kenya.


Media Contact: Sudhir Gore 

Phone Number: +91 9752447287

Email: sgore@edf.org


Salute to ASHAs for their crucial role in “Clean Air, Clean Indore” Campaign


Clean Air Catalyst Starts Air Quality Monitoring for Source Apportionment Study in Indore