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Beth Elliott:

Three Insights from the First Half of 2024 in Jakarta
Understanding Jakarta’s Air Quality: Three Insights from the First Half of 2024
Understanding Jakarta's Air Quality
An Introduction to the Clean Air Catalyst’s Data Insights Series
Project Update: Clean Air Catalyst Joins “Better Quality of Life” World Environment Day Celebrations in Jakarta
Clean Air Catalyst team joined Jakarta’s celebration of World Environment Day 2024 alongside Jakarta’s Environment Agency, Jak Sehat, and Breath Jakarta.

Grassroot Actions Against Polluted Skies: How Jakarta's Urban Villages Tackle Air Pollution
On a Sunday afternoon last September, a group of about 30 individuals, including a group of mostly female neighbors from 9 kampungs (urban villages) in the greater Jakarta area, joined community activists, NGO representatives focused on serving the urban poor, and air pollution experts to participate in a Learning Circle organized by Clean Air Catalyst, a USAID-funded project led by WRI Indonesia. The workshop consisted of two days of lessons about the importance of air quality and monitoring, and a day of field visits to four kampungs.

Clean Air Catalyst Jakarta leads a Learning Circles Workshop
WRI Indonesia through the Clean Air Catalyst collaborates with local partners to address air pollution sources, notably transportation. The Catalyst led a Learning Circle workshop, combining Women Empowerment Workshops and Gender Equality Training to engage diverse stakeholders, fostering understanding and advocacy.

7 Things to Know About Jakarta’s Air Pollution Crisis
Air pollution spikes in the months of June, July and August are a regular feature of life in Jakarta, occurring annually with the onset of the dry season, following monsoonal patterns. This is when a lack of moisture in the atmosphere and other meteorological conditions combine with high emissions, mostly from the transport and industry sectors, to produce dangerously high levels of pollution. This year, El Niño and ever-rising human emissions have created an especially dangerous spike in pollution.

EJN’s First Rumor Tracking Activity Counters Misinformation about Air Pollution in Indonesia and India
In 2021, Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) conducted an Information Ecosystem Assessment as part of the Clean Air Catalyst project, which yielded several insights into how communities in Jakarta, Indonesia, and Indore, India, seek out information about air pollution, and the gaps and barriers they encounter in accessing it.

EJN Assesses Information on Air Quality in Indore and Jakarta
Internews' Earth Journalism Network (EJN) has joined the global consortium of organizations led by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) which will work together to build capacity for tailored, self-reliant solutions that reduce air pollution and improve human health in developing countries.

Media Briefing in Jakarta Focuses on Impacts of Air Pollution on Women and Children
The Clean Air Catalyst team in Jakarta held a media fast breaking event at World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia to build and strengthen relationships with members of the media and identify specific air quality topics they might be interested in reporting on.

Stakeholders in Jakarta Identify Sources of Air Pollution, Vulnerable Populations, and Possible Solutions
In early 2022, the Clean Air Catalyst (CAC) team in Jakarta carried out a virtual workshop to gather information on air pollution issues in the city from local stakeholders, share information on projects related to air pollution issues, and explore the potential for collaborations.