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Transforming Air Quality: Mayor Bhargav’s Strategic Plans for Indore’s Clean Air Coalition
As the Indore Clean Air Coalition takes its first steps, mayor Pushyamitra Bhargav's leadership and vision have set the stage for a cleaner, healthier future for the city. The journey toward cleaner air in Indore has begun, with a focus on collaboration, community involvement, and actionable goals.
Clean Air Catalyst and Local Leaders Come Together to Launch Indore Clean Air Coalition
On July 31st, the Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and Clean Air Catalyst launched the Indore Clean Air Coalition.

Q&A on Air Pollution and Health with Indore’s Chief Medical and Health Officer
The Clean Air Catalyst Indore team’s Sudhir Gore recently sat down with the city’s Chief Health and Medical Officer (CMHO), Dr. Bhure Singh Setia, for an interview on the intersections of air pollution and health.

Six Takeaways from Indore’s New Air Quality Monitoring Stations
Research around the world shows that pollution levels can vary enormously within the same city and even within the same neighborhood. Local monitoring data can thus prove essential to understanding air pollution sources, how they affect different communities and groups, and where to target policy solutions. That’s why Clean Air Catalyst launched three air quality monitoring stations in Indore in January 2023. These new stations have significantly improved the city’s air quality tracking capabilities in some important ways:

Pink is the New Green: How Indore’s Growing Electric Bus Fleet Is Driving Progress on Air Quality and Women’s Empowerment
Anuradha Shukla, age 29, no longer needs to face the common difficulties of using public transportation to travel approximately 15 kilometers from her residence in Indore to her office in Vijay Nagar.

Program Update: Clean Air Catalyst Indore Showcased at State Clean Air Workshop
The Clean Air Catalyst Indore pilot was featured at a state-level workshop held last week by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board (MPPCB) under the National Clean Air Program (NCAP). The goals of the workshop, held in Indore, were to take stock of the current state of air quality mitigation activities underway in Madhya Pradesh’s largest cities and to enable the sharing of policy strategies to expedite progress. Key dignitaries present include Gulshan Bamra, the Principal Secretary of the Environment Department, who chaired the workshop, and Dr. Prashant Gargava, Director of NCAP.
Women are Taking on Indore’s Air Pollution Crisis by Transforming the Transport Sector
Indore is on a transformative journey to clean up its air, and women are at the forefront of this transformation. In a workshop held last December, the Clean Air Catalyst Indore team aimed to develop a comprehensive understanding of the disproportionate impacts of air pollution on women and other vulnerable communities and empower them as clean air champions.
Workshop Spotlights Role of Women and Girls as Clean Air Champions in Indore
In December, Clean Air Catalyst’s Indore team organized a gender empowerment and training workshop titled "Women in Clean Air." The goal of the workshop was to bring together women and air quality experts from across government, civil society, and the private sector to highlight the ways that women and girls are uniquely impacted by air quality and to generate ideas for how proposed policy solutions can better combat gender disparities in air pollution exposure.

Q&A with Pushyamitra Bhargav, Mayor of Indore, India
An in-depth interview with Indore Mayor Pushyamitra Bhargav about the city’s ongoing work to combat air pollution with Clean Air Catalyt’s Sudhir Gore.

Internews EJN Hosts Clean Air Catalyst Media Workshop on Air Pollution in Indore, India
Nineteen journalists from Madhya Pradesh, India, attended a media workshop on May 9-11 focused on sources and impacts of air pollution in Indore.
The training, entitled “Air Pollution in Indore: Sources and impacts”, was organized by Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) and the global Clean Air Catalyst partnership funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Read for more!