
Clean Air Catalyst in Jakarta is committed to tackling air pollution in Jakarta, Indonesia. The program addresses the city’s air quality challenges by identifying key pollution sources, assessing their health impacts, and developing targeted, data-driven solutions.

The initiative places a strong emphasis on advanced air quality monitoring tools to collect real-time data across Jakarta. This data helps identify pollution hotspots, track pollutant trends such as PM2.5 and black carbon, and understand the impact of various emission sources, from transportation to industry.

Since July 5, 2024, real-time data from CAC has been accessible to the public through the udara.jakarta.go.id platform, which promotes transparency and enables residents to monitor the air quality in their surroundings.

Understanding Jakarta Air Quality

Clean Air Catalyst inaugurated new Air Quality Monitoring equipment in Jakarta in June 2023. Learn more about how the monitors work and how they will help the local government improve Jakarta’s air quality below.





Partners in Jakarta, Indonesia

Air pollution management is a major challenge facing the city’s authorities — a challenge that requires action both inside and outside of the Jakarta region as well as collaboration among key stakeholders.

WRI Indonesia signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Environmental Agency of Jakarta (DLH) to partner with Clean Air Catalyst.  Activities include conducting air quality monitoring to increase awareness of the sources of air pollution as well as research into the impacts of air pollution on vulnerable populations. Vital Strategies is co-leading the project with a focus on bringing attention to the health impacts of air pollution in Jakarta.

Understanding Jakarta’s Air

Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, has experienced rapid development. Its economy has doubled in size in the past decade and accounted for 16% of Indonesia’s economy in 2020. In 2020, the city’s population was estimated at 10 million with a population density of 14 people per km2 and a growth rate of approximately 0.92%, which has held steady in the past 10 years. Air pollution management is a major challenge faced by city authorities, with air pollution expected to worsen in the coming decades because of increasing economic activity and rapid urbanization.

This report is updated regularly with the latest research on air quality in Jakarta.

Project Leaders

Satya Budi Utama

Project Manager Air Quality, WRI Indonesia

Lead, Clean Air Catalyst

Email: satya.utama@wri.org


Dr. Puji Lestari

Professor, Air Quality Management and Atmospheric Chemistry, Bandung Institute of Technology

Co-Principal Investigator, Clean Air Catalyst

Email: pujilest@indo.net.id


Jakarta is where we come to find anything we want or need in Indonesia. I love visiting family and the orchard gardens when I’m here. Reducing air pollution can improve quality of life, performance, and productivity in the city.
— Professor Puji Lestari
